Features of Salesforce Inspector Extension Productivity Tool
Data Types in Slaesforce
Salesforce Inspector:
To evaluate data and metadata straight from the Salesforce UI, administrators and developers can use productivity tools. To increase efficiency and joy in Salesforce configuration, development, and integration work, an extension to the basic Salesforce UI is being developed that will put a metadata layout on top of it.
Features of Salesforce Inspector:
1. Immediately from a record detail page, edit page, or Visualforce page to quickly access field information.
2. View and edit records’ whole contents, including information not shown on the page layout, in a flash.
3. Directly from Salesforce, quickly export and import one-off data. Data can be copied to and from Excel with ease. If you are already logged in with your browser, there is no need to log in again.
4. Check out the current consumption caps
5. Easy access to user record information.