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What are Objects in Salesforce?

 . Adminstrator  . What are Objects in Salesforce?

What are Objects in Salesforce?

Introduction to Salesforce Objects

In this video, our salesforce admin tutorial video shows you how to create objects in Salesforce. Discover the benefits of creating and managing custom objects that add value to your business, as well as the different types of objects and categories available for use. Learn about object customizations, standardization across multiple users, condensing data into fields and structure your business with reports.


Data particular orgs in Salesforce are stored in objects, which are database tables. It is a repository for all the data regarding a specific person, place, or thing. We desire to preserve data.

In Salesforce, there are two types of items.

STANDARD OBJECTS: Standard objects are those that Salesforce.com automatically creates.

Accounts, contacts, Leads, opportunities, goods, campaigns, cases, users, contracts, reports, and dashboards are a few examples.

CUSTOM OBJECTS: These were made by a salesforce user and are used to hold data that is unique to certain businesses or industries. The end of the custom object is (_ c).

Example: property, offer, favourite, and technical.

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