Criteria-Based Sharing Rule Associated To The Record Type’s Object
Cannot inactivate a record type because it is used by Criteria-Based Sharing Rules. But there isn’t any Criteria-Based Sharing Rule associated to the Record Type’s object
Getting error while inactivating record type
"This record type [Record Type Name] cannot be deactivated because it is used by Criteria-Based Sharing Rules."
Please follow below steps to inactivate record type if your object controller by parent
1. Go to Setup > Security Controls > Sharing Settings.
2. Just select the object in which you can’t see the Criteria-Base Sharing Rule.
3. In this case the “Default Internal Access” and “Default External Access” had the value “Controlled by Parent” that’s why it cannot be seeing any Criteria-Base Sharing Rule under the object.
4. Just changed “Default Internal Access” and “Default External Access” to the value “Private” on both.
5. Then it showed the “hidden” Criteria-Base Sharing Rule.
6. Problem solved. Just delete it.
7. Then I was able to inactivate the Record Type later deletion.