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Learn Basics of Flow Elements & It’s Types in Salesforce (Part – 3)

Flow elements :

  • In Flow builder layout , Flow elements available in that left side bar and each element are represents action that the flow execute. Such actions are collecting data from flow users, create records , displaying information and executing business logic or manipulating data.
  • In Flow Builder, the Elements tab displays the types of elements that you can add to the flow by dragging them onto the canvas.

Type of elements :

  • Interaction type elements
  • Logic type elements
  • Data type elements

In this session we will be talking about Data type elements :

It contains 4 type of elements and they are,

  • Create records
  • Update records
  • Get records
  • Delete records

Create Records :

This element is used to create multiple records in salesforce by using record collection variable and to create exactly one record in salesforce by using record variable or other variables in flow.

You can choose the picklist value one or multiple record which type you want to create record. Also choose collection variable in Record search box and use this value to create new record.

Update Records :

This element is used to update records in existing record in salesforce. To find out which record want to update and to change the values that particular records. Use the IDs , fields and specify conditions to identify the records and set the field values.

To find records in two ways so select picklist which type you want to find the records. In Record search box to select which record or record collection want to update in salesforce.

Ged Records :

In this element is used to get records from salesforce records and that meet filter conditions, and store values from the records in variables.

You can select which record you want to get in salesforce records from Object search box. Once you select any one of the object and require filter conditions to filter the records in that particular object and sort that records in multiple ways like Ascending or Descending.

Delete Records :

In this element is used to delete record in salesforce records and it can be identify to delete by using the IDs stored in a record variable or record collection variable, or by specifying conditions.

In Record search box , to select which record to delete in salesforce records by using IDs in record variable or record collection variable, or specified conditions.

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